Sunday 26 April 2009

Savoury Beignets

Plain Cheddar Cheese Beignet

Beignet [bε.ɲε] - literally French for Donut. 

They are usually made from deep-fried dough with a filling made from fruit or vegetable. With mine I've opted for a savory version.

Method: After reviewing a dozen recipes, I settled on James Martin's. It doesn't contain as many of the ingredients found in the original Cafe Du Monde - New Orleans version, but it does serve as a great 'quick-up' dish. 
Simply add water and butter, with a little sugar to a pan; bring to the boil, add the flour and beat it into a firm dough. Remove from the heat and beat in some finely grated mature cheddar and a couple of eggs so that you have a paste. Season well with salt and pepper, then spoon into a pan of hot oil and fry for five minutes.
with Mushroom

with Chorizo
I've tried three varieties; plain cheddar, mushroom and chorizo. 

Cost: Very much based on the limits of your imagination. This is one of those dishes where you'd expect to have most, if not all of the ingredients, in your store cupboard.

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