Friday 24 April 2009

Chicken and Leek

Not too dissimilar to the Pork Pan Fry dish. I used chicken thighs for this and found the flavour and texture to be much better than chicken breasts, although it does take longer to prepare.

Chicken and Leak
Method: Skin and bone the thighs, dice and then coat the chicken in seasoned flour. Pan fry with a good amount of olive oil until cooked through, adding a couple of cloves of chopped garlic near the end. Remove from the pan.
Fry some leeks and red onions in olive oil at a low heat until caramelised. Return chicken to the pan and then slowly add a 1/2 pint of veg or chicken stock, cooking through until there's only a little gravy left.
Served with long grain rice.

Cost: This is the good part; I picked up 800g of thighs for under £2. Once skinned and boned I was left with 465g of tasty meat.  Less than half the price of chicken breasts and a much tastier part of the chicken. Easily under £1.50 per serving.

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